Tuesday 7 February 2012

Evaluation...Question 4.

who would be the audience for your media product?

With the BBFC in mind I feel that the audience for our Thriller should be of an age either at 15 or over it.  The requirements for a 15 rated film are;
  • The piece of work must not involve and discriminative behaviour or language.
  • Drugs are allowed to be viewed but it must not be endorsing or promoting the usage of drugs.
  • Strong threats and menace are allowed as long as it isn’t sadistic and sexualised.
  • Dangerous behaviour should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weaponry should not be glamorised.
  • Frequent use of strong language is allowed. The stronger terms are acceptable if used in the correct and justified context.
  • Violence is allowed as long as it does not dwell on the infliction of pain and injury. The stronger gory images are not likely to be acceptable.

3.  If you had to choose a Thriller sub-genre what would it be?
  • Crime-Thriller-13 people
  • Psychological Thriller-3 people
7. What in the opening to a Thriller would keep you asking questions? Two lines max
  • I’m not sure-6 people
  • Not much of the plot should be given away-4 people
  • You should be confused by it-4 people

From this research we can see that the main age of people which filled out this questionnaire ranged from the ages of 15 to 17.  It would have been to better my results if They also felt that Settings in a thriller work at areas in which are desolate and in a large spread out area minus the odd person. It would be unwise to make this film and include a foreign language into it considering most of the people that were given the questionnaire did not prefer foreign films to non foreign films. I think that qwe could have asked a wider range of ages if we had the idea for the audience being from age 15 to 30. Also we felt that the average audience that we would have for this media is an average person who lives with a family of more than 1.

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