Friday 27 January 2012

Justifying our ideas for our thriller via. audience research.

From our audience research we were able to see that most of the people within our target audience preferred to have:
  • Interesting opening credits

  • Nice establishing shots

  • Something that introduces the story

  • Nothing should be too simple

  • Cool opening effects

  • Story should be not too simple

  • Opening music should be good

  • Music should be suspenseful

  • It shouldn’t be too inactive

  • Something should happen

  • There should be lots of confusion

  • It should be really smooth

  • The plot should be clever

  • The music should have something to do with the rest of the film

  • There should be something impressive right from the start

  • It should grab your attention

  • From this we were able to see that with our thriller introduction it would be important to include things like this in it. For the titles we decided on two ideas. One of them was where we would cut out letters from the newspaper headlines and place them onto plain paper in order to make them look like some ransom notes connoting the style of this thriller and what pending threat lurks around for the main role. The other idea was for images of everyone who starred in this thriller to be stuck into a black note book and for information about this person along with large versions of their names to be placed in it. I feel that idea one for opening credits would be the most effective. We do not want it to seem too simple either which is why we are using the use of flashbacks and having no narrative should make the audience think about the film and what is happening in it. We decided on using a tense style of music for this film which we will create using GarageBand on the mac's. This should be able to convey the ideas and soon-to-be-seen effects of the thriller. One of the first shots that we have in our thriller opening is the waterfalls, this should be an impressive and attention seeking shot as people will see this and revieve the idea of calm feelings from the beginning, being a thriller film all is not calm for too long so this would hopefully make the audience want to continue watching unti they figure out what is happening.

    We had three ideas for our main task in media which we placed on a powerpoint.

    Our first idea focused on a dr jackal and Hyde style multiple characterised persona. This idea required a lot of variety of shots. We felt that this was a thriller style idea as it could be made into a psychological thriller with dark areas and movements which could contextualise the characters. For this we would require a street at night time with fog to get the feeling of being alone and helpless across to the audience. We would also need a room with bright light if we were to show the contrast between the two people.

    Our second idea was where there were two security guards standing talking to each other when something happens, with this we included a shot following a mans foot as his walked towards that building. This would also be seen as a psychological thriller as the audience would be left thinking about this man who is walking towards the building.

    Our third and final idea is a thriller which revolves around one singular person. This person would be having flash backs which included many people who are linked to this persons history. This would be the most simplistic of our ideas but because of that we could focus more on the types and variety of shot types taken. We would only need a small amount of props for this as most of the story should be told on characters faces and movements.

    Our target audiences response to our pitches.

    We had a powerpoint of which we included three ideas for our main task on it. We did a presentation to our media group which woulde be classed as our target audience as they are aged from 16 to 17 years of age. From the target audience we decided on one of the ideas. For the Hyde rip off version we were informed that people felt that the idea was not one which was thought of ourselfs, and that the setting would be a hard idea for us to achieve, so idea number one was out of question. The second idea we had was one where two security guards are seen talking to each other when an assasin attacks a target. From the audiences response we saw that this was too much of a far fetched idea for that of a thriller opening. Therefore we decided that this idea was out also. Our final idea was where we followed one character as flashbacks flowed back into his memory. there were some concerns from this as it did not seem fully developed correctly, one of the main concerns were that we seemed to be trying to fit too much into a small introduction. We decided on idea three as this seemed to have the best response from the audience.

    Thursday 26 January 2012

    How audience research may affect my final task.

    With my audience research i feel that this can affect how we develop our ideas for our main task. Say if the majority of the audience prefer to be kept in suspense rather than horror for a thriller then we would develop our ideas to ensure that the audience would be kept in suspence.

    Tuesday 24 January 2012

    Evaluation of our preliminary task

    With my preliminary task I felt that it was fairly successful, the main idea for our thriller was to be able to show a scene of a shot reverse shot, a close up shot and to get a shot of someone walking through a corridor and opening a door. For our media we began with the shot reverse shot where Morris had a small conversation with James. After this we viewed Morris as he walked up the stars and opened a door. As Morris opened the door we got a close up shot of Morris' hand opening the door. We included a shot of Morris walking down a corridoor. As Morris reached a certain point of the corridoor we included a shot with two people in it, these were Jake and I. As we appeared around the corner Morris ran and we followed with a dolly. The clips where the people were running (Morris and I) had to have their sound removed as the wheels of the dolly were squeaking. Eventually we had a shot where Morris ran past Jake and down the stairs, with a variety of shot types we managed to shot speed and haste. Over all we managed to include the most of the breif for our preliminary but could do with using the whole brief and research for the main task.

    Thursday 19 January 2012

    Results from the Questionnaire collected by Morris

     1. What is your favourite movie genre?
    ·         Thriller-1 people
    ·         B. Horror-4 people
    ·         C. Drama-0 people
    ·         D. Comedy-2 people
    ·         E. Action-9 people
    2. What do you see in the opening of a movie that you enjoy? Two lines max
    • Interesting opening credits
    • Nice establishing shots
    • Something that introduces the story
    • Nothing should be too simple
    • Cool opening effects
    • Story should be not too simple
    • Opening music should be good
    • Music should be suspenseful
    • It shouldn’t be too inactive
    • Something should happen
    • There should be lots of confusion
    • It should be really smooth
    • The plot should be clever
    • The music should have something to do with the rest of the film
    • There should be something impressive right from the start
    • It should grab your attention
    3.  If you had to choose a Thriller sub-genre what would it be?
    • Crime-Thriller-13 people
    • Psychological Thriller-3 people
    4. If you had to choose, what would be your favourite Thriller movie?
    ·         Saw films- 7 people
    ·         Donnie darko
    ·         Inception
    ·         Kill bill
    ·         Van helsing
    ·         The matrix
    ·         BBC’s production of the 39 steps
    ·         The great escape
    ·         The godfather
    ·         Memento
    5. What do you like about that movie? I.e. the tension it creates. Two lines max
    • the plot
    • the music
    • the action
    • the horror
    • the use of plot
    • the storyline
    • the story
    • the story
    • the way it all fit together
    • how clever it was
    • the action
    • the action
    • how clever the story and plot was
    • how scary the villain was
    • how terrifying the villain was
    • how strange it was
    6. What setting do you think is best for a high tension thriller? One line max
    • in a dark warehouse
    • in a small village
    • inside a characters head
    • it should turn out to all be a dream
    • in a creepy alley
    • spread out across the country
    • in a big city
    • it should move from place to place
    • a abandoned theme park
    • graveyard
    • wide open space like a field
    • abandoned school
    • forest
    • abandoned factory
    • old museum
    • spooky wood
    7. What in the opening to a Thriller would keep you asking questions? Two lines max
    • I’m not sure-6 people
    • Not much of the plot should be given away-4 people
    • You should be confused by it-4 people
    • A complex plot-2 people
    8. Give your age?
    • 11-3 people
    • 12-1 people
    • 13-1 people
    • 14-1 people
    • 15-5 people
    • 16-3 people
    • 17-2 people
    9. Your status (working class/middle class/upper class)?
    • Working-5 people
    • Middle-11 people
    • Upper-0
    10. Do you like intelligent well thought out films?
    ·         Yes-12 people
    ·         No-4 people
    11. Do you like foreign films?
    ·         Yes-4 people
    ·         No-12 people
    12. What is your favourite type of music?
    ·         Rock-4 people
    ·         Pop-4 people
    ·         Rap-6 people
    ·         Classic-2 people
    ·         Country-0
    13. What was the last film you watched?
    ·         Don’t remember-6 people
    ·         Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2- 3 people
    ·         The smurf movie
    ·         Cars 2
    ·         The hangover part 2
    ·         The green hornet
    ·         The inbetweeners movie
    ·         Keeping mum
    ·         Kill bill
    14. What was the last thriller film you watched?
    ·         Don’t remember- 11 people
    ·         The matrix
    ·         The godfather
    ·         Saw 4
    ·         V for vendetta
    ·         Donnie Darko
    15. What did you like about it? Two lines max
    ·         The characters
    ·         The storyline
    ·         The scares
    ·         The storyline
    ·         The storyline
    16. What did you not like about it? Two lines max
    ·         How complicated it was
    ·         The characters weren’t likeable
    ·         The complicated story
    ·         nothing
    ·         nothing

    Short Evaluation Update.

    So far i have managed to finish Question 7 and do a small ammount of questions 1,3 and 4.
    Because the deadline is close i will be working hard on finishing these evaluation questions more than the blog.

    Thursday 12 January 2012

    Preliminary task video

    This is the Preliminary task which i worked with Morris James, Jake Fox and James Dench.

    Monday 9 January 2012

    Thank You

    A post to say thank you to the audience that has viewed my blog since it began in August 2011

    United Kingdom: 162 people
    Russia: 36 people
    United States: 16 people
    Germany: 7 people
    Azerbaijian: 1 person
    Bulgaria: 1 person
    Italy: 1 person
    Poland 1 person

    I hope you all understand English