Wednesday 23 November 2011

Thriller Questionnaire


   1.   What is your favourite movie genre?
  1.  What do you look for in the opening of a movie?
  2.  If you had to choose a Thriller sub-genre what would it be? i.e. Crime-Thriller, Psychological-Thriller
  3. If you had to choose, what would be your favourite Thriller movie?
  4. What do you like about that movie? i.e. the tension it creates.
  5. Where do you personally think is the best place to shoot a Thriller Opening?
  6. Have you ever turned a movie after 5 minutes? If ‘Yes’ why?
  7. What would you want to happen in the opening to a Thriller movie, in order to keep your attention and to keep you asking questions?

1 comment:

  1.  Post research and summaries of the thriller genre
     Post summary of conventions for opening of a film – re: camera, editing, narrative, mise-en-scene, sound, etc
     Upload your prelim to your blog. Post an evaluation of your prelim task – strengths, areas for improvement, what you learnt, etc.
     Research ONE institution involved in producing / distributing thriller films. Choose a suitable institution for your thriller – reasons? Post your findings on your blog.
     Explain how your audience research will affect your production
     Record your target audience’s reactions to your pitches
     Explain the rationale behind the idea you have chosen to develop into the finished product; concentrate on justifying your choices in terms of your audience research and knowledge of the conventions of the thriller genre.
     Write a 250 word treatment, outlining your proposals for your opening.
     Post copies of storyboards and shooting scripts
     You should refer to your audience research in order to justify your planning and ideas.
     Record details of how the shoot / editing went – things that went well / problems + how you overcame them etc.
