Thursday 20 October 2011

Momento introduction analysis.

Memento introduction analysis

At the beginning of Memento an unconventional title is used with a blue on black feel to it. The blue on the back can symbolise coldness and loneliness, combined with the black background it gives the impression of being lost and engulfed by darkness showing that a person could have been lost and have changed into something that they are not. As the credits at the beginning are rolling an orchestral sound plays in the background giving the feeling of sorrow and ending. The first camera shot shown is a close up of a Polaroid image in a mans hand. On this image is a dead person who installs confusion and fear into the audience. As the film continues the hand holding the Polaroid shakes and the image slowly fades. The fading of the image could connotate how the main roles memories slowly fade over time due to his condition. This is because the film at the current moment of time if playing in reverse order. Quick editing between shots means that the scene that is currently on is sped up and shows in reverse order one man shooting another. The camera quickly changes into a black and white view in another place with the main role, in the background a sound of a clock ticking or a heart beat resembles the way that the main role is partially going mental and that after this attack the only part of him that made him who he was is dead. The main role is seen to be white and wearing a suit with no tie, from this image we can analyse that he is of middle class but when a view of his car is seen the viewing of him changes to a well-off middle class person.

Monday 10 October 2011

Analysis of the Psycho Shower scene.

To begin with this scene appears in a dimly lit room of a mid-close up of a woman writing on a notepad. This shot does not last long as soon we follow the woman from a dimly lit room into a bright white bathroom. Using a tracking shot at a medium shot range we get a feeling of how enclosed the bathroom is giving the feeling of a sinister plan. As the woman enters the bathroom she walks over to the toilet and the camera cuts to a close up of some paper being thrown in it and flushed away. This creates a sense of eeriness as we are unaware if the paper is of any importance. At this time the woman prepares to get into the shower. Throughout this section light has been kept to a minimum outside the shower to show that the bathroom is a place of importance in the scene. In the bathroom the lighting mainly appears from the top left corner of the bathroom which highlights the womans face. The only sound so far is the diagetic sound of the toilet fluching. So far the 180 degree rule has not been broken.

We get a cut to a dfferent camera with a medium shot as the woman gets into the shower and turns it on. As the shower comes on we get a close up of the shower head in a first person perspective. From this shot we see how the woman feels enclosed and safe as the water surrounds her. We are given a mid close up shot as the camera pans from right to left increasing tension as through the blurry shower curtain we just make out the shape of a person outside the shower. As the person thrusts open the shower curtain we are given a first person perspective of both the killers and the victims views to close ups. Certain camera shots focus on elements such as the knife during stabs to create a sense of fear. Also there is a close up shot / zoom in of the woman's mouth to aid the feeling of fear and terror. A high angle shot gives an interesting combination as we see that the victim is clearly struggling against the killer as the killer is higher up than her. It also gives the impression that the killer is a low down member of society as the viewers are higher than the killer. Near the end of the stabbing there is a cutaway shot to some thunder clouds showing the violence and anger of the murder. The only diagetic sound during this section is the shower water whereas the non-diagetic sounds include the violins and cello's and also the stabs. When the killer appears the light seems to fade indicationg that the life of the woman is reaching it's end. The killer remains hidden in the identedy of their killer by facing their back to the light. The lighting on the knife indicates the danger of the weapon and seals the womans fate.

At the end of the stabbing we see a close up of the victim sliding down the wall of the shower. An extreme close up view of the eye dilating shows that the womans life is draining away and we are given a perspective shot from the woman of the killer walking off. The woman attempts to climb out of the shower but falls and dies half in, half out of the shower.

Monday 3 October 2011

The Happening. Introduction analysis.

At the very beginning of the introduction for the titles we are given a camera view of some clouds which are sped up so they seem to be moving faster than clouds normally would. This view is backed up by some eerie music which is played along with the movements of the clouds to increase the tension which we feel for the very beginning. Straight after the titles it moves onto a med-close up shot of a dog walking forwards with it's owner. We are given a few shots of people about a park going about their daily business as usual after focusing in on two people sitting at a bench. There is no music at this point in time but we do hear some diagetic sounds of people talking in the background. The camera then cuts into a two shot of the two women sitting on a bench as they have a conversation, we get the feeling that something is wrong when the first women begins to repeat herself. During this moment we hear the non-diagetic sound of a girl screaming in the distance. Then we get a close up view of the first woman as she begins to pull an item from her hair and kills herself. This comes as a shock as this is something we would not expect. This is when music begins to play at a low tone to resemble something building up. We then get a cut to another location in the same town where we see we are at a construction site. We are given a medium shot of a group of people working at the site laughing and having a conversation which is interrupted by a body which hits the ground next to them, the camera shot then changes to a close up shot of the mans reaction of his friends falling. Then again another body falls not too far from the previous one and this is when the non-diagetc sounds of the music begins. It slowly crescendo's as more and more people fall from above which is when the man starts to look up, this is given in a close up view. The music now reaches a really loud tone and with booming noises of string instruments. This helps to make the viewers feel uncomfortable as these people seem to be killing themselves without any thought so it gives the idea of a surreal thing happening in a place which we all are comfortable in (Urban areas). This is the end of the introduction but it has done well to introduce us to the storyline of the film and how it can shock and thrill the audience.