Thursday 8 September 2011

Notes on the thriller 'The Sentinel'

- Unsteady camera views - news crews and recordings
- Quick switches between close up views of people
- Loads of close up and medium shots through the course of the film
- Long shots of important landmarks - helps to pinpoint the location of the film
- Focusing on pivotal items
- Gives a sense of power to the protection on the roof  via camera angles
- close up shots of the brief in mans hands
- follows person to an office then stops at the office doors and tracks his movements around the office
- near the beginning it constantly flicks between the security boots and the vehicles outside
- As vehicles pull into the driveway it is shown from a downward angle making it so that they seem enclosed and safe in that area
- quick flick of different views of the presidential helicopter creating tension
- medium shots during press conferance to show the audiences view
- Birds eye views of suburbs
- Close up shots of photographs
- Rotation around the presidents head from ear to ear
- Close ups of firearms
- black and white section at the beginning
- Slow motion is widley used
- Security camera views
- Fades from one time frame / place to another
- Unstable cameras looking into crowd giving tension
- Time gaps
- Radio chatter in background
- Gunfire off screen
- Screams and Sirens
- Background office noise
- Cheering
- Distorted voices, menacing
- Shouting

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